Today officially marks the beginning of my third week with VIPKID, and I absolutely LOVE working for this company (more on this soon)! Today is also the last Monday we have off together as a family, as our two oldest children start school in exactly one week. While it may have been ideal to sleep in with everyone else, I have grown fond of my internal alarm clock that now goes off between 4:30 and 5:00 a.m. (I know, I know, those of you that are closely acquainted with me are gasping in disbelief!).
This day will also be an important one for the history books, as many of us in America experience the once-in-a-lifetime Solar Eclipse. In an attempt to make this Monday extra special, I have compiled a list of activities you can do together as a family to ensure it is a memorable one.
Discuss what a Solar Eclipse is, and whether you will experience it in totality, or partially. Either way, since this only occurs every 375 years, it is imperative that your children know how monumental this is.
Make Your Own Pinhole Camera or Projector. You will need a cereal box (or similar object), some foil and tape. TADA! The Great American Eclipse will be ready for your viewing pleasure even if you do not have fancy eclipse glasses. Or eclipse glasses period.
During reflection time, have your child fill out this worksheet, or do it with them. This is a good one to save for the scrapbook. Or, if you are like us, to store away in a labeled manila folder with other important documents from 2017.
Finally, every good lesson should be internalized. What better way to do that than to bake and eat?! Whether you create Moon Pies, Galaxy Cookie Bars, or simply make Star-Shaped Cookies and decorate them (not going to lie, this is probably what we will end up doing), filling your tummies will increase the chances of this being a magical, savory and unforgettable moment! Happy Learning!
Locals, look here!Also, check out this event at one of our local libraries!
I intentionally took time this week to reflect on what made this summer with our children extra special and memorable. I had to laugh, because I immediately made the connection that this is the first summer in a while that I am not pregnant, nursing, or potty-training any little ones. Woo-hoo! That in itself is cause for celebration at our house.
Prior to the spring semester, I had never heard of unschooling (read: an educational method and philosophy that advocates learner-chosen activities as a primary means for learning). After some research, I discovered that we were already doing this as a family, outside of the time our firstborn son, Jack, spends at a traditional brick and mortar school.
Pictured here are Jack’s summer wish list, and Cecily’s right above his (I helped her).
A planner by nature, I made printable calendars for June and July and stuck them to the fridge with a magnet. I highlighted summer weeks that the children had their respective camps, and wrote, once a week, that we would have reading, piano, music and math lessons. Fridays were reserved for field trips to the Children’s Museum and Gladys Porter Zoo. At the suggestion of one of our pastors, Rich, who delivered a wonderful sermon about making lasting memories as a family, I also had the children make a Summer Wish List.
To summarize, we focused more on the items our littles came up with and less on my schedule. Learning and structure still occurred, but it was nicely balanced with free-time and play. Below, you will find our 2017 Summer Highlights. Our children have grown much, and we could not be more pleased with the results.
Jack has amazed me this summer (all bias aside). He will be entering 1st grade in a few weeks and is 5 years old. Standout moments include: being named the MVP (Most Valuable Player) of his small group at his first church camp, earning his junior yellow belt in Taekwondo, helping lead a Walk for Alzheimer’s and learning how to swim (see video above). For my typically reserved, oldest child, all these things were really big deals, and I am blessed to have witnessed them.
He spends his days drawing and creating comic books, writing, recording and directing short films (with our help, of course), and most recently, designing and building hotels out of Legos. Now that he is a big boy, he also showers on his own. He shares all sorts of ideas of what he wants to be and study when he grows up, but this summer, I overheard him tell one of his sisters, “When I grow up, I want to be a Dad.”
I got a preview into what being a Dance Mom is all about last month, thanks to my Cecily Fe. She tried ballet and tap for the first time, and went back and forth between which she preferred. My free-spirited and independent child, I was surprised at how attentive she was in class, wanting to get each step just right. She is a natural little caregiver and encourager. It’s not uncommon to catch her saying things like, “Good job, Jack!”
With an expansive vocabulary, pretend play is her absolute favorite. From playing with her dolls and dollhouse with her siblings, to hosting tea parties with us and her stuffed animals, and whipping something up in her kitchen, she lacks no imagination! We are all excited for her to start 3-k preschool this fall (her teacher will be my sister-in-love), of which she has said, “There will be two teachers: me and Mrs. Garay!” Still a bodily kinesthetic learner, she also enjoyed gymnastics camp and looks forward to continuing in the fall.
Rounding out our family is our bundle of joy and love, Felicity Belle. Observers often comment on her huge, infectious smile, plump lips, freakishly long eyelashes and beauty mark that sits on her right eyebrow. Or, her “Cutie Mark,” as our children affectionately refer to it. She says, “Mama,” “Dada,” “Dog,” “Yeah,” and a few other words we have yet to discern. Her current favorite: Jack. It’s the first word she says when she wakes up each morning.
At 13 months, she is entering my favorite developmental stage: being a toddler! I look forward to the one-on-one time I will spend with her when her siblings are in school. Her personality is starting to show and evolve, with a sweet spirit that demands attention if she does not have it. With two older siblings to contend with, we will sometimes hear her say, “Ahhhhhhhhh!!!” while looking at us all during suppertime.
My Beau
Beau and I will celebrate 8 years of marriage next week on August 9th. The more time goes on, the more I cherish him! When we first married, I did not realize all the bonuses he came with: mad editing skills, excellent techie abilities, superb listening skills and patience, and a willingness to learn (to name a few).
Summer is our family’s new favorite season, with extra opportunities for the hubby and I to enjoy dates (even weekly at times!). We love being outside and active together, eating great food and being on or near the water.
Together, we hosted a Summer Play and Pray Small Group through our church, where we meet at a different playground with a splash pad every week (local favorites are: Cascade Park, Browne/Pete Benavides Park and the splash pad at Sam’s Pool). The children have especially enjoyed getting wet and playing together with other kids.
Good job sticking with it to the end! Enjoy my intro. video for VIPKID!